Please use the following table of contents in order to find relevant information.
If you’re still struggling don’t hesitate and contact support.

Table of Contents

Please click the relevant title

General Information

What Is An Affiliate Link

An affiliate link is a specific URL assigned to an individual or business by an affiliate program. This link is unique to the affiliate and is used to track and attribute sales or traffic generated through their promotional efforts.

Installation Guide

We recommend you watch the demo which explains how to install and use Heroframe.

If you encounter any errors or have more questions don’t hesitate and contact support.

Unsubscribing From The Weekly Report

Go to the Heroframe’s plugin settings on your website and untick the clicks report checkbox.


Tracking Performance

You can track the performance of your site in the main “Performance Tracking” dashboard:

30-day Clicks:
Total number of clicks on Heroframe Best Pick products all over your website.

Pages with Heroframe:
The number of pages with Heroframe on your website.

10-Day Unique Heroframe Impressions:
The number of Heroframe Impressions for the last 10 days.

Top 5 Converting Pages:
A pie chart of the most clicked Heroframes’ pages in the past 30 days.

View Specific Page Tracking Information

You can click on the “View Specific Page” component to watch performance information of a specific page.

You’ll see all the detected pages; choose the one you want to watch its performance.

Add Another Website

You have the option to add multiple websites under your user. Click on “My Websites” on the left and then click on “Add Another Website” in the upper right:

You’ll have to follow the same installation procedure you did when signing up for your first website.
After the installation is complete, you can switch between the tracking information of different sites by clicking on the upper menu:

Then, select the website you want: